Crashing while creating a character.


Dalayan Beginner
Whenever I try to create a character, the game crashes as soon as I press 'next', after applying the stats and whatnot. Happens every time. I followed the install instructions exactly...
same here... and i totaly uninstalled and redid everything... and yes I followed the instructions exactly as specified. anyone have a clue what to do next?
i know this doesnt help but i got the same problem too ;( infact i just got the game and the got on this server so that really sucks :(
Ive played EQ before but years ago. I havnt played for a good while. Today i just thought too look too see which games have private servers and saw this server and relized that i still had EQ and installed it again err also forgive my mistake of saying got the game it shoulda been found but im trying too troubleshoot this problem so my minds little mixed up at the moment
yea i really cant find many MMORPG's that i like now days i tried a few of them today like i played a little RO (entertaining till ur done killing the porings) ,Rose online,FlyFF and now im trying this but it just doesnt want too seem to work
I just got WR working, and i had the same crash problem.
I copied the folder marked "uifiles" out onto my desktop. deleted the folder named UI (original eq folder), renamed the uifiles copy on my desktop UI, then stuck it back into the eq folder. reinstalled the wr patcher and hotfix and it worked.
Could you elaborate a little more on this Dran? As in where this file named UI is in the EQ directory etc. :?
sorry. In your eq folder there should be a folder named UI. (when you install the hotfix it creates a folder called "UIfiles")
1. copy the UIfiles to another location.
2. Delete the original UI folder
3. Rename UIfiles folder -> UI
4. drag that one back to the EQ folder.
5. reinstall the patcher and hotfix.

Thats what worked for me *shrug*

Now, i dont have sound /cry
same prob

Trying that method above now my guy floats in the air with no ui so am unable to make a new char LOL

Oh well, back to the drawing board, time to play dev for a bit

Ok after keeping the name of uifiles for my directory and making sure the extractor extracted the files to the proper place, I was able to create a character.

Now though when I log into the game I get the loading screen then it goes black and just sits there, longest I waited before rebooting was 15 minutes. Btw when this screen is on I am unable to ctl-alt-del to get to the task manager.

Time to go read the forums for this problem LOL
Re: same prob

seaghost said:
Trying that method above now my guy floats in the air with no ui so am unable to make a new char LOL

Oh well, back to the drawing board, time to play dev for a bit

Yep, same thing happened to me. I followed the PM to the letter, no dice. I did a fresh reinstall, following Tarrax Ironwolf's post, to no avail. I'm really not sure what to do next.
Re: same prob

The issue where you crash during character creation is solved by the 'hotfix'. It is a UI problem with respect to the 3 or 4 character creation pages.

Yeah, I had this problem all day yesterday. I simply moved out the uifiles from the Everquest folder and then reran the hotfix.

Must have been something in that folder that wasn't getting replaced. Today I'm in for the first time.
Finally in

Well I finally made it in last night, reran the hotfix again and was able to get past the black screen after choosing a character.

From what Ive seen, if having these kind of problems just keep reapplying the hotfix and you should get in.

As a further note, if using the Windoze extractor it appears not to extract the files correctly so what I did was install Winzip and then the extractions occured normally. My Win2k partition and laptop had no problem with the correct extraction, just my XP Pro did.

Hope this helps.
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