crashing while 2 boxing


Dalayan Beginner
My friend is having issues while 2 boxing.
He has been doing it for a while without any issues, and now all of the sudden he blue screens while playing the two characters.
While playing with one character, there are no problems at all.
He has a good computer so is not quite sure why its behaving this way.

Any ideas?
Can you give some system specs on his computer?

I am having the same issues, and have been dealing with it for quite some time now. I believe that I've narrowed it down to a couple things:

Asus MotherBoards
Marvell Yukon Gigabit NIC
GeForce 6XXX Video Cards usually AGP types, but also some PCI-X

Lemme know if he's runnin any of the above, and if not, what is he using.
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