Dalayan Beginner
As of just a few days back Im crashing pretty much everytime I zone. I havent had this problem before as I in the past have basically never crashed.
I havent changed anything on my pc, no new hardware or programs or drivers..
Anyone else experience this / have any clues?
Running windows 7.
Quadcore @3Ghz, 8Gb Ram and ATI4780X2 graphics card.
Have 30/30 Mbit internet connection.
As of just a few days back Im crashing pretty much everytime I zone. I havent had this problem before as I in the past have basically never crashed.
I havent changed anything on my pc, no new hardware or programs or drivers..
Anyone else experience this / have any clues?
Running windows 7.
Quadcore @3Ghz, 8Gb Ram and ATI4780X2 graphics card.
Have 30/30 Mbit internet connection.