Crashing on death


Dalayan Beginner
Been while and trying to learn ropes. Dying as expected and each time I do the game just freezes up at loading screen. Sound just keeps replaying.
Had issue with eqw.dll earlier and re-patched. Guess I can try that again but maybe someone else run into same issue?
Been while and trying to learn ropes. Dying as expected and each time I do the game just freezes up at loading screen. Sound just keeps replaying.
Had issue with eqw.dll earlier and re-patched. Guess I can try that again but maybe someone else run into same issue?

yes!, everytime and without fail. it gets really irritating at times.
glad to know im not the only one

anyone have an idea for a fix?
I wish I had an answer for you, but this seems to be an issue that begarn around sept and has gotten worse. The only fix for it that I have heard is to upgrade your hard disk to something with super fast access time. I have ordered a SSD and am going to try that, will post my results once it is up and running.
Dont tell me, that lol, I was hoping for a fix.

I have seen a SLIGHT improvement dropping my datarate down to 5 or 3, but its not a fix and overall hardly worth mentioning.
Ok, got the SSD up and running. Am seeing about a 50% improvement. Still crashing on death and zoning but as bad as before.
Out of curiosity how many players having these issues have Dynamic Lighting enabled?

Personally my PC isn't the best but I can run Skyrim at 34 FPS on medium settings so there's no reason a game from 1999 would be hard LOL core temps on the gpu/cpu never break idle when playing SoD.

I turned off that setting and the lag spikes/crashing stopped and oddly enough I traced back to the time it started for me to the patch where they added a ton of new light sources.

P.S. I'm posting this in another thread so more players that it might help see it.
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This happened to me everytime I died (& I died a lot!) when I first started (early January), but stopped after about 2 days. I did nothing different to my settings, I honestly thought it was some bug because I was level 1-10, haha.
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