Crashing Issue


Dalayan Beginner
Hello, I am having a crashing issue with my client... I get to the server select I click play/ hit enter, and it will almost get done loading the little bar at the bottom and an error message pops up that says something along the lines of your client may have crashed. I dont know how to fix this I have tried the delete file.txt and repatching I have tried just about evry thing this fourm has said so far...but I checked my log files and this is what I got

[Sat Dec 24 16:41:35 2005]00836:process was trying to READ invalid data.

[Sat Dec 24 16:41:35 2005]00837:Invalid access occurred at virtual address 0x13110f90.

[Sat Dec 24 16:41:35 2005]00838:Fatal error occurred in mainthread! (Release Client #630)

[Sat Dec 24 16:41:35 2005]00839:Client Version: Dec 22 2003 16:24:12
[Sat Dec 24 16:41:35 2005]00840:Skin Directory: UIFiles\Default\
[Sat Dec 24 16:41:35 2005]00841:Graphics DLL Loaded: EQGfx DLL Version 1.1.80 Last Build Date: Dec 17 2003 10:37:16 AMD Athlon(tm) processor [2:6.4.2-10011]

[Sat Dec 24 16:41:35 2005]00842:Crash (char = , zone = load2)

[Sat Dec 24 16:41:35 2005]00843:Local Player's World location at time of crash: 0.000000, 0.000000, 7.000000.

[Sat Dec 24 16:41:35 2005]00844:Gamestate at crash = 0

Any suggestions would be much appercaited since I just got backin to the game ;(
actual message

EverQuest has deected that your cleint may have crashed.

It is often possible to determine where and why the crash occured
Click Yes to send this data Back to the Developers in an effort to help the stablity of the game.

The only personal information that will be sent with the data is the character logged in, the server they were on and the zone they were in at the time.

is the actual message I get when It crashes...again any help would be greatfully appreciated.

BTW my system specs are

1.0GHZ AMD Athlon
Geforce MX 4000 128 MB
768 MB of Ram

I had been running the game fine last night and then I crashed with that error and it hasnt worked since...i have tried restarting and every thing it just wont work! *pouts*
When you stated you repatched - do you mean going into advanced and selecting repatch all?

I know that this morning the first time I loaded up the client crashed. I did a repatch all and it worked fine after that.

Yes I repatched by goin to advanced and clicking repatch all. I even went and deleted files.txt and then clicked the repatch all and it still didnt work :(
Kellost sent me his dbg.txt file and it looks like its trying to READ bad I told him it looks like an error in his memory or between mem and cpu. Gonna try a few programs and a few things to maybe try to reset any bad sectors in his RAM
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