Crashing help please


Dalayan Beginner
I seem to crash every 2-3 minutes. I've turned off my firewall, antivirus and forwarded ports on my router. I also have my datarate set to 8 so I'm pretty stumped. There's nothing running in the background either.

Any ideas? TIA
If possible, have you bypassed the router? This eliminates the router fromt he equation entirely.

After that, make sure that you have adequate resources on your system (that is - you dont have a ton of apps running on your system) - Open Task Manager - Performance Tab - Processes.
I have tried bypassing my router but for some reason when I do that I lose my DSL connection. I'm sure it's a simple tech fix but for the life of me, I haven't been able to figure it out. I've reset my dsl modem, restarted my computer, released my IP and tried to renew (this doesn't work). I've searched around on the windows website but I don't really know what to search for.
Is the IP Address you are pulling a 169.254.x.x? (I wouldn't post your IP here if its not - unless its all 0's.)

Are you aware of what type of Internet Settings you are using? Such as...

- Is your DSL setup as DHCP or static IP (your router should be configured properly for this)
- Is your system setup for DHCP or static IP?

I have seen DSL run on static IP's and Router's are normally setup to use DHCP.

Also, what firewall are you running? I have seen firewall's still causing problems (at least with sharing files) unless they are completely uninstalled (have seen Norton and McAfee do this).
My IP comes back with all 0's. The system/DSL is setup as DHCP. I was running windows firewall and the router, which are both turned off atm. AVG for virus protection, which I also turned off to try to fix this. I checked the process tab and all that is running are basic system things for windows, ati, etc.
Ok, even though it was working through the router - you can try a different ethernet cable. Also, is the DSL setup on your computer? DSL does sometimes require the whole username/password in order to connect.

Other than that, doing the whole cycling of the DSL modem is about the only other thing - powering down the system and disconnecting the DSL modem for 5-10 minutes. Then powering the DSL backup and then the system.
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