Dalayan Beginner
Hey guys, been trying to play this game for about a week now. After I try to log on any char in any zone my eq closes out and it takes me to the desktop. No error message or anything just crashes. I'm using a new laptop with vista and this was the only error I could find in my dgb.txt
[Sun Feb 07 02:01:56 2010]00157:Global6_chr.wld was not there (error -49858).
[Sun Feb 07 02:01:56 2010]00158:Load world end (0).
Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated. I've disabled every firewall, antivirus, and defender and am slowly dissabling my mind
Thanks in advanced I hope we can get this up and running.
[Sun Feb 07 02:01:56 2010]00157:Global6_chr.wld was not there (error -49858).
[Sun Feb 07 02:01:56 2010]00158:Load world end (0).
Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated. I've disabled every firewall, antivirus, and defender and am slowly dissabling my mind
Thanks in advanced I hope we can get this up and running.