crashes after server-select


Dalayan Beginner
Been playing WR for a while now, and one day suddenly it started to crash when i select server.
And it does the exact same thing on all 3 computers at home. Tried updating gfx-drivers, sound-drivers, switched router, tested without router completely, tested with a friends EQ-installation, re-installed Everquest completely, you name it, i tried it.

It patches fine, EULA, name pass goes well, and when i select server it dumps to desktop for a few seconds (as it shall) but the loading screen never appears, instead after about 15 seconds an errormessage appears saying something in the neighbourhood of "eqgame.exe has encountered problems and have been shut down" (im running swedish windows XP so its a rough translation)

AND the funny part is that if i try long enough i will EVENTUALLY get in, after about 50 tries or so. Totally random. :?

Anyone got any faint clue on to where to begin looking?

Hmm.... not saying that it is but it could be your ram memory that is farking up, but then, you said it happend to all 3 computers at the same time to that kinda rule it out....
Hmm.... have you updated your OS on all 3 computers and then it's something that don't work???
Only thing I can come up with is that it's a software error, not saying it's everquest, but like it eh.... how to say it.... tries to use 2 programs at the same memory adress or anything :?
Have you tried to reinstall XP (not from scratch but update it ?)
Might help :?

Going by when it dies, I'm guessing that you changed your desktop color depth. It needs to be the same in both, either 16 or 32 bit or it won't be able to render the window. As for it randomly deciding to work, does it happen to come up full screen when it does?
I have figured out a way around it.
I have a home network with 6 computers, and if any of those computers are downloadning anything WR crashes at server select, but if i cancel all downloads on all other computers i get on without problem. After i get to charselect i can resume all downloads on the other computers again and all works fine.
Seems to be a "timing" problem of some sort..
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