Crash to Desktop


Dalayan Beginner
Hello everyone. I am having a small issue that I hope someone out here can help me with. I recently found out about WR from a good buddy of mine who I used to play EQ with about 3 years ago. After he told me about this I was excited to try it out. I busted out the old EQ disks and reloaded EQ up through PoP. I downloaded all the pathces etc from this site and had everything set up to start WR. I logged in was able to update my options etc and went back to the login screen. I logged in username and password and hit connect. Instead of starting up however I was sent flying back to the desktop. I have tried this several times using all the different patch methods listed on the site but keep having the same result. I asked my brother to try and log in since he still plays EQ. After he updated everything the way mentioned, he also had same result. I am wondering if something was added recently from EQlive patch that is causing this, or if both of us are just missing something. We are both EQlive updated as of today (5/9/5). Any help we can get in this would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry if I didn't explain myself well. I have only installed up to PoP but when I updated EQ it updated through EQlive as of today. I didn't download any of the other expansions just the regular update. I was wondering if something perhaps with DoN was causing this, or if this is a semi-isolated incident. Thanks again for your replys
Also forgot to mention I had installed the fixes and other updates from WR website before any of this crashing to desktop started to happen. I have read most of the related posts and everything I could find on the site, but haven't been able to get past connect yet.
Well LDoN isn't required so that shouldn't be your problem. If the fix didn't work, you'll have to wait for Wiz to talk with you because he knows all :)
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