Crash on Zone


Dalayan Adventurer
I have been crashing on zoning a lot lately and at character select. I have also talked to people in my giuild and everyone is experiencing a ton of latency and crashes as well.

We have all tried re-patching and the bind processor. Any ideas? This all seems like server side issues, but I thought I would post something since I couldn't find an official thread about anything like this.

Having the same problem, cant box because 1 character will crash 95% of the time. I experience high latency issues in SoD, but not in any other game. This is what i dont understand, since many others does not have this problem.
To be exact it is Level 3 Communication's issue, in Montreal. Almost all of north america's traffic will probably go through this route. If you are IN Canada you might be lucky and hit a different route and not be suffering any problems.

this is probably the cause of your woes
Is there possible to do anything about this? The game is basically not playable with this lag.
I am from the East Coast North America as well and i am crashing randomly at times even after refreshing and i am having problems like not being able to login for 20-30 minutes at this part of the networking issue with the router as well? because i have a steady connection on the browser and my computer runs fine.
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