Crash during character creation


Dalayan Beginner
Whenever I try to create a character, i set his class/race and add my attribute points... but when i click "NEXT" i get a client crash... i can't seem to get past this, ive tried it about 10 times and it keeps crashing during the character creation... please help!

The issue where you crash during character creation is solved by the 'hotfix'. It is a UI problem with respect to the 3 or 4 character creation pages.


Unzip the hotfix again and double check you've got it going to the correct place, EQ root folder, keeping the zip folders intact. Then download and unzip the UIfix into the UIFiles default folder.

EDIT: Oh and make sure you're using WinZIP for this, during zip extraction ensure the 'Overwrite Existing Files' & 'Use Folder Names' boxes are ticked.
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