CPU fan too loud


Dalayan Beginner
When I play SoD, and only Sod, my cpu fan maxes out as soon as I log in, and doesn't slow down until I completely restart my computer. I am not overheating, and playing other games(mmos, rts, fps) does not cause this issue.

Any ideas for an quick fix?

I'm not looking for: 'buy a new/extra fan' - the problem is only tied to SoD so I'm fairly sure its not a hardware issue.

Maybe eqplaynice will help? Maybe not. There are some threads on this forum about it. I personally don't use it, so I can't help much more than that.
I have a dual core cpu and when I play with two EQW windows open, my first core cpu tends to max out on my performance graph in Task Manager. I think it's because I set the affinity of both windows to core1. EQ was written for 32-bit single-core cpu's, so I think this explains things. Check to see if your cpu is running at 100% in Task Manager.
Unfortunately for windows vista and up, using eqplaynice makes SoD run in slow motion. CPU usage goes way down but the game appears to run in half time.
Make sure you guys are using the correct version of EQplaynice. You do not want the latest version from the internet, that does weird stuff. You want the version from here:

I'm on Win7, 64bit, and it makes the game great for me. I couldn't really play without it.
Have you tried playing without EQPN? I run worse with it, myself, using Windows 7. I've heard the same from other Windows 7 users, and I'd imagine that if this is representative of an actual correlation, then the same would apply to Windows 8 users.
I have a dual core cpu and when I play with two EQW windows open, my first core cpu tends to max out on my performance graph in Task Manager. I think it's because I set the affinity of both windows to core1. EQ was written for 32-bit single-core cpu's, so I think this explains things. Check to see if your cpu is running at 100% in Task Manager.

Bind affinity of the first client to processor 1 and the second to processor 2. that's kinda the point.
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