Council of Innovation quests - No spoilers


Dalayan Adventurer
Hello everybody,

I'd just like to know which level I ought to be before tackling the CoI quests apart from the Heartlands ones. I could check the Wiki, but I'd like to try to complete them without using spoilers. I am a 48 Ranger but probably won't start working on them before I get to 49 or 50.

... Alittle confused.. your saying you already did the Heartland CoI quest and have now moved onto the others that are in Sea of storms (forget the other zone) Correct?

If so I was wondering this same question as well.
I completed the ones in Heartlands and was told by the Gnome there to seek out the other Council camps for more quests. I want to do these quests, but without using spoilers such as the Wiki. I want to figure them out myself but I'd like to know if I stand a chance at doing them at my current level (either solo or with a partner/small group). If I have no hopes of completing them before I'm higher in levels, then I won't waste my time just now. Basically, I'm simply looking for a "go ahead, have fun" or a "wait a bit". :)

(eta: going to bed now, thanks in advance for your advice)
Well I can tell you the Wiki has nothing on the further quests.

I was going to head out to those camps and see for myself.. then these new starfall quest happened so I am alittle side tracked. Prehaps when you hit 49 we can hook up and give these quest a shot (unless of course there like 55+ style quests hehe)
If you're talking about quests to gain ranks and upgrade the aug for Council of Innovation, then I'm almost certain advancement outside of Heartlands is not implemented yet.
?!?!?! No in yet?

BUmmer... I know Silver Crown has there quest in as I have seen people with the sergent pips (+5 to stats, +10 to FR/CR and +60 hps and Mana)
I personaly just check out the 2 camps they make mention of.. couldn't even find a named Conical memeber to hail. All guards dont say anything on hail :(

So guess its just a waiting game when they put something in for them.
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