Corpse Scrounger's bag


Dalayan Beginner
I have a lvl 10 ogre shadowknight who is trying to combine the items needed for the second quest that Azanth Screechhand sends you on. I have the 10 required items (frog tongue, scorpion stinger, leech blood, bone chips, and alligator skin .. all 2x) unstacked in the bag that was given for the quest (Corpse Scrounger's Pack) and when I hit the combine button, it says "You cannot combine these items in this container type!" Is this quest bugged? I want to finish as many lowbie quests as possible and this is hindering my process. Please help.

P.S. Characters name is Zigma.
It was set as using giant leech blood instead of leech blood for some reason. Either combine with giant leech blood or wait for next patch.
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