Coordinator Malika in Grobb


Dalayan Beginner
Im trying to do Coordinator Malika's quest. She asks me to collect four bounties, then she'll give me an addictional reward.
I've collected the heads of Talmin, Ulger, Silyvta, and Hasmila, and turned them in for bounty tokens. Since Coordinator Malika says I dont have to hold on to these, I turned them in for reward.

After turning in the last head, I still get the same quest text as before - no special reward.

Three of the bounties I did a long time ago, so I went and killed them agean, in case I remembered wrong about killing them. -she just returns them when I try turn in the "fresh" heads.

Is Coordinator a lying scammer really wanting Five bounties done, or is something wrong with my character?

You need 4 bounties of 4 different levels. Talmin and Ulger are the same level of bounty. You need the head of the guy in Newport.
If your right then Coordinator Malika is indeed a lying scammer - she never says I need four different levels of bounties, just four bounties.

"Coordinator Malika says, 'Very good. We are always in need of trackers to find those who betray the cause of the Order, or would seek to ally themselves with the weak creatures that make up the lesser races. There is currently five bounties to collect, of varying degrees of Difficulcy. These bounties are for the heads of Talmin, Ulger, Silyvta, Hasmila, and Gorun. Returning any of these heads will yield you a Bounty token, which can be exchanged for money with Sithika, the Master Warden. Furthermore, if you successfully collect four bounties, I will gift you an additional reward for your service - merely speak to me after you have fulfilled the contracts. There is no need to hold onto the bounties for this, I will keep track of which bounties you have completed.'"
(quote from Wiki, my screenshots of what she said seemed identical to me)

The way this quest has turned out so far, the head of Coordinator Malika is far more thempting than Gorun's. -and by far easyer, judging by the guards he and she has.
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