continuous 1017. Have tried everything i can think of


Dalayan Beginner
I read and tried the other threads but I still get 1017.
I have multiple accounts. They were all inactive after a long break. I reclaimed them and gm reactivated them all. 3 of the accounts work fine but the last one with my main does not work. He gets 1017 every time.
Since I can login fine with other accounts it cant be patching I guess and not a network issue either.
Anyone know what the problem could be?

Oh and just in case the account name is dayoldnewbie.
When i claimed accounts, i claimed 3 accounts from one loginname on eqemulator. Hope that doesnt have anything to do with it.
Thank you for the reply.
I'm afraid it did no good. Seems like theres something wrong with the account, since I can log into other accounts without probs.
Melwin/Wany needs to synchronize the account. Find them on #wr chatroom when they're not too busy.
I got Wany to take a look at the account. He syncronized it and now it works. Feels good to see those chars again after so long time :p Thanks again to Wany and to you guys replies.
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