I've played a few hours without problems, then randomly the last two hours.. I get disconnected for no reason every 2-3 mins.
To clarify, It Disconnects me to the Character select screen. And there is no lag in-game.
In addition to this, I can create a new character, and while using the second character there are no disconnects! :*(
I've removed my armor, no buffs, no pets. Still get disconnected on my necromancer, and only on my necromancer..
I would hate to start over, And I don't wan't this problem to happen after building another character up!
Does anyone have a solution? T_T
Thank you in advance;
To clarify, It Disconnects me to the Character select screen. And there is no lag in-game.
In addition to this, I can create a new character, and while using the second character there are no disconnects! :*(
I've removed my armor, no buffs, no pets. Still get disconnected on my necromancer, and only on my necromancer..
I would hate to start over, And I don't wan't this problem to happen after building another character up!
Does anyone have a solution? T_T
Thank you in advance;