Constant boots to character select.


Dalayan Adventurer
Hi yall. I was wondering if anyone could help me with my connectivity problem.

Every 15 minutes or so, sometimes less, I get booted to character select screen. The connection bar does not indicate any lag, I'll jsut be sitting there, or fighting a mob, or whatever, and BOOM, i'm getting the "You are disconnected" screen, and 2 seconds later I'm at character select. I am able to instantly go back into the game, but most of the time I come back dead (due to being booted while fighting.)

I have changed the datarate a few times now, to no avail. I've tried turning off my firewall, to no avail. I cleared out all spyware, and still nothing doin.

I have a cable modem as a connection. I don't have any latency issues in any other online games. I've been having this trouble sense I started.

Any suggestions? Perhaps you guys can think of something to do that I havent yet?'

Anyway, barring my connection issues, I'm loving this game. I feel like such a newbie again, even after playing for 5 years on live, and it's the most fun I've had on EQ sense before $oE took over. :)

Same happening to me only much more frequently (ever 1-2 mins).

I've opened up the appropriate ports on my router, but cannot seem to diagnose the problem any further.

Any suggestions?
I've had this happen to me. It used to be very rare, but since the huge influx of new players recently it happens a LOT more. Is this a server issue with the amount of players online?
I know this is old, but this is exactaly what happens to me, and i have the same pc stats, minus the router. I see nothing has been posted in the way of help with this issue but it is very frusterating, any ideas please let me know.
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