

Dalayan Beginner
Ok so maybe I'm not understanding exactly how to get it going, so if someone would clarify, I own EQ, and installed it on my comp, however, when i enter the step of patching, I run everquest.exe and the autopatcher comes up with this

EverQuest Patch version 1.2.2
(c) 2000 Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc.
All Rights Reserved.

Checking for new files, please wait...

EverQuest file update failed. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator or internet service provider for assistance.

* ERROR *: Corrupt or missing file on update server.
If the problem persists, email
<[email protected]>

If this is your first time playing EverQuest, refer to "Troubleshooting Your Connection" in "EverQuest_Manual.txt"in your EverQuest folder.


After extensive digging around EQLs tech support site I found a link to a thing that i think fixed my problem, a bit of time will tell.
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