Companion Strength I


Dalayan Beginner
I'm sorry if this is somewhere on the forums.. I looked around and didn't find it and didn't see anything listed in the wiki, so I thought that I would post here.

Are there any Companion Strength I items, or attainable II items for someone around level 10..?

Thank you!
With the new item template still being implemented, a lot of the effect table pages are still borked - items that are old format won't show up until they're converted *hint hint to everyone.* In the meantime, you can check the What Links Here on those page like the one for Companion Strength to get a better idea of what might normally show up on the page. Just keep in mind that method doesn't filter out archived content (like stuff that doesn't drop anymore) or pages that simply aren't items. But yeah, what Aisling said - we don't even have any Comp Strength I items listed on the wiki anyway.
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