Coming back to eq


Dalayan Beginner
Hello all, I am pumped to find this.... I have been wanting to play eq for awhile now since i stoped playing wow. I played eq back in the days when PoP came out and stayed for awhile till i hit like 65 or so so i am glad to find a emu that kept the world almost the same(i understand things have been change and zones renamed and all that) Currently i am downloading the *********: Titanium edition and hope to be on either later tonight or tomarrow.. If i can just get one question answered. I was wondering whats the current population you guy's have? Ive looked around and haven't found anything yet. And also if anyone use to play on the nameless server and was in the guild fallen wolves hit me up that was my old guild!! funny i can't remember my old name to ********* though :D.
Welcome aboard, try to read as much as possible stuff on forum and SoD wiki, so that you don't get lost too quick - lot of things are different.
id guesstimate the current population to be about 500 real players atm. and yes, reading wiki is going to be a big help getting started and getting acquainted with the differences SoD has to offer. When you do get started, make sure to stay in the guild Dalaya's Beginners until you are able to find a different guild to join. the chat there is always active and usually has GMs lurking around to answer your questions.

also stay away from the dzillon dude, hes an evil frenchy.

welcome to the server
Still on your first bottle of vodka for today I see. Let me know when you hit bottle four so we can see you pissed off!

haha. man i need to get you and banji in vent some time so we can have a 3-way verbal duel.

i AM planning to do some drunken gaming, but thatll be closer to the holidays, so stay tuned

ps i drink cognac mostly lately
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