CoI - Until Death Us Do Part


Dalayan Beginner
I have begun working on my CoI quests, and the part "Until Death Us Do Part" appears to be bugged, as I have completed it, but am not flagged as doing so. Oceanwalker Gargan in SS doesn't give me the quest line anymore, seeming to believe that I have completed it, the gnoll priestess is SF treats me as though I have completed it, but it is still marked as active in my journal, and Councillor IX in Underhill says I haven't finished all of my previous quests. Someone mentioned that perhaps I was supposed to hand over the staff that the gnoll priestess gave me, but the priestess never told me to do so, and Gargan never asked for it, so I destroyed it, being of a class that can't even wield it. Any thoughts?

Edit: Ok, guess its just a bug with moving the quest from "active" to "completed"... went back and hailed Gargan and apparently I had missed a previous line of dialogue... all is well now and I have my next aug.
Re: CoI - Till Death Do Us Part

You also missed a dialog option with the priestess, unless you also completed Spirit Call. Additionally, not moving the quest to 'completed' is not a bug--there is another optional step available in the quest.

edit: fixt thread title :toot:
I have completed Deepocean Exploration, Gnoll Wisdom, Spirit Call, Graverobbing, and Until Death Us Do Part, but only Until Death Us Do Part is still marked as "active".

Hmm, not sure what line I could have missed with the priestess... I thought I was pretty careful to follow all of the dialogue options.
Luthien said:
I have completed Deepocean Exploration, Gnoll Wisdom, Spirit Call, Graverobbing, and Until Death Us Do Part, but only Until Death Us Do Part is still marked as "active".

Hmm, not sure what line I could have missed with the priestess... I thought I was pretty careful to follow all of the dialogue options.

If you completed Spirit Call, you didn't miss a dialog option. You can't do her last quest until you rank up. As for why the quest is still active, don't worry about it--it's optional, and I don't believe anyone has found it anyway. It's a very small thing, and something most players wouldn't even think to try, trained as they are on videogame logic.
Thinkmeats said:
If you completed Spirit Call, you didn't miss a dialog option. You can't do her last quest until you rank up. As for why the quest is still active, don't worry about it--it's optional, and I don't believe anyone has found it anyway. It's a very small thing, and something most players wouldn't even think to try, trained as they are on videogame logic.

Thinkmeats logic is in a field of it's own :hmph:
Thinkmeats said:
It's a very small thing, and something most players wouldn't even think to try, trained as they are on videogame logic.
Is there anything in the quest to suggest what it is we are supposed to do? I'm getting close to the final aug, and I'm trying to make sure I've tied up all the loose ends on these quests (mostly because I don't think I'll succeed on Mercy... ever...) I'm only have these not "COMPLETED":

Until Death Us Do Part (got the staff, but stuck now)
Engage the Zaranth
Home is Where the Heart Is
Dealing With the Snobolds (finished, but bugged active)

I guess my question is about whether the bug of not being able to turn in the 57-60th snobold ears or the confusion of not knowing how to finish UDUDP would keep me from enough faction experience that would make getting the final aug possibly out of reach (assuming I never do Mercy).

Thanks for your time!
Tarutao said:
Is there anything in the quest to suggest what it is we are supposed to do?


I guess my question is about whether the bug of not being able to turn in the 57-60th snobold ears or the confusion of not knowing how to finish UDUDP would keep me from enough faction experience that would make getting the final aug possibly out of reach (assuming I never do Mercy).

No. In fact, UDUDP isn't even a faction quest; no faction points are awarded for completing it.
i tried to do the "Until Death do we part" and trust me when i say this. you are gonna need a extremely good group or a raid O.O
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