CoI Spirit Stones quest faction issue


Misser of Due Dates
I've only recently begun working on CoI faction quests and decided to start in Shadowdale. I collected a total of 32 stones from high pass and turned them in for 8 total turn ins. I got "you have gained faction exp" from each of them. However, I now con indifferent to CoI NPCs. I was "kindly" to them after I finished the Heartland's Plateau quests during the MQ.

Seems like there was a bug that decreased my faction instead of increased. Anyone else had a problem with this?
its not a prob with this quest per say. I've noticed I con indifferent to innovation as well now. Think they just adjust the faction for everyone. For what reason I do not know.
I have also noticed that my faction has dropped to indifferent, I did the spirit stones quest as well as the catalogue quest in shadowdale. I have my senior assistant's aug and know it was higher than that before. (finished all the SS quests it allows you to do before getting the senior assistant's aug)
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