CoI quests, probably faction bugged


Dalayan Adventurer
- First, deepwater exploration (the statues in SoS and SS):

* I did get a "you have nothing left to learn from this etc.." message on both toons in Sea of Swords. But when I came back to Gargan, he basically tole me thanks dude, get back to work, and nothing. No factions.
* I can't get a completion message in Storm Sea. I have right clicked each statue there at least 5 times, more on some (with them depoping after of course). I have tried swimming around, staying inside. I have tried pretty much everything I could. I can't get that message to pop, and Gargan won't talk further to me. I have the feeling that all I am doing right now, is deprivating other questers from statue parts by keeping on right clicking them.

- Second the gnolls in Starfall. I have done lord rotfang's head way before it was ever part of the CoI package: I wrote the wiki walkthrough in february 2007. This quest is marked as done in my book of course, and she went immediatly to the next in line (altar thing). However, I never got any + CoI factions, while my guildmates did after turning the head. and since she will not get another head, I am kind of blocked here.
I had trouble with one of the statue areas in storm too. just had to keep swimming around and eventually got it. Right clicking the corpses had nothing to do with the quest seeing as I never did it once.

And I had already done rotfangs head too and I think its low enough faction you can live without it like the playing in the forest with silver crown.

I admit im only at the rank where I can just start thurgadin quests though so I could be wrong.
Roark is right about the right-click on the statues, that is simply not what you are supposed to be doing.

Kelval said:
- Second the gnolls in Starfall. I have done lord rotfang's head way before it was ever part of the CoI package: I wrote the wiki walkthrough in february 2007. This quest is marked as done in my book of course, and she went immediatly to the next in line (altar thing). However, I never got any + CoI factions, while my guildmates did after turning the head. and since she will not get another head, I am kind of blocked here.

You don't get faction XP from the Lord Rotfang's rest quest, it's just a re-req for getting to the CoI specific quest.
Kelval said:
- First, deepwater exploration (the statues in SoS and SS):

* I did get a "you have nothing left to learn from this etc.." message on both toons in Sea of Swords. But when I came back to Gargan, he basically tole me thanks dude, get back to work, and nothing. No factions.
* I can't get a completion message in Storm Sea. I have right clicked each statue there at least 5 times, more on some (with them depoping after of course). I have tried swimming around, staying inside. I have tried pretty much everything I could. I can't get that message to pop, and Gargan won't talk further to me. I have the feeling that all I am doing right now, is deprivating other questers from statue parts by keeping on right clicking them.

The odds are quite good that you're simply in the wrong place. The statues are often part of larger groupings of statues, and you must scout the grouping (not any individual statue within it) to recieve credit.
I'm having the same problem.

I scouted all four statues in each zones (got the nothing to learn msg 4x) and gargan won't tell me my quest is complete.

I checked back in with him after completing the statues in Swords, then again after Storms. When I hail him, he just gives me the ocean exploration quest again.
Did you guys ever take the "I have scouting information about the statues to report." dialog option?
robopirateninja said:

When you take that dialog option, he gives you credit for all the scouting you've done so far. If the quest is still being offered to you, then you're missing credit for one of the statues. All the statues are worth the same amount and there is no bonus for completing them all, so you can either do other quests or go hunting for the one that you missed.
I have gotten the message for eight (8) total statues, are there more? Is there just no completed quest dialogue for this part?
robopirateninja said:
I have gotten the message for eight (8) total statues, are there more? Is there just no completed quest dialogue for this part?

Each time you get a message for a statue, you get another "information" to report to the guy. When you take the report dialog option, you report all your current "information"s, and recieve credit for each. When the guy has heard the report for eight statue groups total (in sets of 1 or 4 or all 8 at once or whatever), he gives you the completed dialog. Have you gotten the eight statue group messages and then gone to him and then taken the "i have information to report" dialog option?
I did the four from one zone, and did the information to report dialog, then I did the four from the other zone and did the information to report dialog.

When I hail him he tells me about these strange statues I should check out, underneath the ocean...
robopirateninja said:
I did the four from one zone, and did the information to report dialog, then I did the four from the other zone and did the information to report dialog.

When I hail him he tells me about these strange statues I should check out, underneath the ocean...

Same, but: when I did complete the SoS batch, I got the possibility to report, but didn't get the faction exp, and on the 2nd set he doesn't want me to report.
robopirateninja said:
I did the four from one zone, and did the information to report dialog, then I did the four from the other zone and did the information to report dialog.

When I hail him he tells me about these strange statues I should check out, underneath the ocean...

Then your flags are just a little squirrely and for some reason he never gave you the 'completed' dialog, but you did recieve the faction xp for it. I'll want to doublecheck the flags on you to be certain, though.

Kelval said:
Same, but: when I did complete the SoS batch, I got the possibility to report, but didn't get the faction exp, and on the 2nd set he doesn't want me to report.

Ditto for you. When you take the report dialog option, your faction xp for the statues is auto-updated. I don't know why you'd say "didn't get the faction exp", since you'd have no real way of knowing whether or not it was happening (given that he's not giving you the right dialog).
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