CoI quest To Play in the Forest


Dalayan Adventurer
Hello everybody,

Well, trying to save Rinbo Strongfoot, I ended up death touched by something... No, I didn't read the quest write-up prior, I like to discover things once in a while. :) Anyway, I assumed Rinbo had been killed too and that I'd have to either give up on the quest or try again at some other point, but now, I cannot hail Rinbo in Shadowdale (he disappears), and talking to the scout in Whisperling at night does not respawn Rinbo. That wouldn't be too bad, except that this quest is still in my journal in the "active" section, leading me to believe I can still do something about it... Any clue?
When you hail Rinbo, does it say "You thought you saw Rinbo, but you were mistaken?" (that's what I think it's supposed to say). If so, then you will not be able to complete it. Even if it doesnt say it, it's a one shot quest, so I doubt you'll be able to try it again.
Pharaun said:
When you hail Rinbo, does it say "You thought you saw Rinbo, but you were mistaken?" (that's what I think it's supposed to say). If so, then you will not be able to complete it. Even if it doesnt say it, it's a one shot quest, so I doubt you'll be able to try it again.

Yes, that's what it says. Well then, now I know I failed, so I'll stop trying to find a way to restart it. Thanks!
I'm in the same situation. I DID read the writeup in advance, and still couldn't figure out how the prod changed his direction. When I prodded him, he'd stop, then resume pretty much his original path toward the mistlights. I tried from several different angles and couldn't get him to move back toward the path.

Could the quest in the journal at least be made to be marked completed once you fail? Maybe by hailing one of the guards back in the COI camp to tell them that Rinbo was now one of Rivervale's permanent residents?
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