CoI mercy quest


Dalayan Adventurer
So I finished the Mercy quest in the CoI advancement quests but the script in EBL was acting pretty wonky. The mobs that spawned didn't chase the gnolls nor did they assist each other (not sure if they're supposed to do either of those). Also, on the final wave the mobs all spawned and immediately started to rip each other to shreds... after a while they stopped but that wave also had what seemed like a lot of extra spawns all on top of each other. One or two of the spawn points had about 8 or so mobs on them.
I noticed this also, as I recently completed the Mercy quest. I had planned to talk to TM about it when he looked into my CoI faction hiccup. Tracking showed either 6 or 8 specs in the frist wave (can't remember for sure), 12 in the second, and 16-20ish in the 3rd, and they did initially beat the crap out of each other, but it seemed that once they stopped, those that had been killed respawned and took their place among the 4 spawn locations, stacking one on top another. Overall it seemed unusually easy, as each mob was static and pulling did not draw agro from any of the other specs. So basically, it was simply having the patience to kill 30-40 drk blue mobs one at a time... there was little skill or danger involved.
God dammit.

I know what caused this, it's something in the backend of EVENT_SPAWN that was changed. Also Brego I'm probably gonna have to yank your credit for completing the quest and reset it for you because the way it is now is clearly broken.

I have no time to fix this today so I'm just going to disable the quest now and fix it when I can.
This turned out to be a much larger bug, impacting all sorts of mobs all over the server. It's also something I can't fix on my own. Stay tuned.
=( well good thing i didnt get a raid/group going for this yet then. ill be watching for updates.
This may just be a minor issue with this quest, it has nothing to do with the quest being broken. I was starting this quest today and I in trying to find the Gnoll Priestess I only had what she told me to go by because nothing is on the wiki to help me out. What she tells you is:

"Seek me out along the Bad River, far to the west of the village."

Now I was looking all over that river in Western Badlands for quite some time until I logged on a tracker to assist me...running along the river and tracking periodically. I finally decided to check out the other badlands zones and found out that she was indeed in Eastern Badlands. I now realize that the village of gnolls she was referring to was not her own but it was the village of the plaguewind gnolls. I was wondering if maybe we could add the words village of the plaguewind gnolls into the text somehow for mentally challenged people like me to be able to understand her better.

Orothin Oakenshield
Killer03 said:
I now realize that the village of gnolls she was referring to was not her own but it was the village of the plaguewind gnolls.

What village does she have in Western Badlands? You already had to go to the EBL village to get Lord Rotfang's head. That should have been one of the first places you looked.
Finkk said:
What village does she have in Western Badlands? You already had to go to the EBL village to get Lord Rotfang's head. That should have been one of the first places you looked.
She resides in a village :psyduck:
Thinkmeats said:
This turned out to be a much larger bug, impacting all sorts of mobs all over the server. It's also something I can't fix on my own. Stay tuned.

This quest (along with the handful of raid mobs that were also impacted by the bug) is now fixed and working properly.
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