CoI - Home Is Where The Heart Is


Dalayan Beginner
Finally decided to finish this quest today and it seems it bugged out, I had 2 bards running the shadows around while I healed up damage to the bot on a Druid.He completed his gathering of data but when hailed gave no response, thinking maybe killing all the shadows would help we slowly whittled them all down but there was still no response when they were all dead.

This has actually happened twice now, the previous time when attempting the quest for Safiya when I kited all the shadows around with heal aggro on the Druid, it completed the gathering of data but did not respond when hailed.Could this please be looked into?
Found and fixed the bug.

Turns out the bug was just a flag on one of the two npcs that can start the quest not being on the other, so the people who started it with Shar-El were fine and the people who started with Gimble were boned.
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