CoD quest


Dalayan Adventurer
Dawnlord Ghorlan won't talk to me. I spoke to the hermit dude, gave him essences, collected everything else (bone, spirit, knife, whip)... Hail Dawnlord Ghorlan... /cm d1 bla bla Tear of Elael... Nada. I get the option to /cm d1 about the tear but then he just stands there staring at me saying nothing.

Tried on 3 different occasions thinking maybe it was bugged... Dubious faction, tried with a writ. Nada. Do I need to be apprehensive? Am I bugged? Since this is a high tier quest nobody is answering me. I NEED ANSWERS!
I'm pretty sure you need to be like warmly faction in order to continue. I haven't played in a while, so my memory might suck some, but it was either amiable+ or warmly+ you needed to be.
LB exp is where it's at. It didn't take as long as I thought it would, he spoke to me at apprehensive. Plus I collected enough headbands to get to Kindly so... Will get an Amice in a couple more bags of them too...
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