

Dalayan Beginner
everytime I try to patch WR it stops at the file I listed in the subject. I even let it sit for like 2 hours and it was still on that file, can anyone help?
Dont pull ur hair yet thats the easy problem. to get pass it go to the WR Main page > Files > Patch file direct download.Open it with winzip and unzip it to ur WRFiles. That should take care off it .

There's another thread about this same issue. I installed EQ and got connected to WR on three different computers yesterday (two for me at my house, and one at my brother's house for him) and I had this issue on all 3.

What I had to do to work around this was run the patchwr program until it hung on this file, then copy the contents of the /wrfiles directory to the root EQ directory and finally launch eqw.exe directly. I know that last step is bad but at present it is the only way to start the game.

Now, I suspect cobaltscar_chr.txt is possibly a map file, is that correct? For some reason it isn't coming down from the patcher. I do get a cobaltscar_chr.txt.gz file in the wrfiles directory, but it is always zero bytes and the patcher just hangs while trying to get it. I can click cancel & resume and it tries again but it still won't work. The final thing I noticed was that the overall progress bar gets to 100% on the file just before this one. I'm not sure if that's related but I figured it may help troubleshoot this. Oh, also the patcher says 19 files are remaining to download at the point it hangs.
same here, I did put it in the EQ directory, so...all I have to do is download the direct patcher thing...and then unzip it to the folder, etc...

EDIT:Still can't get it to work
For me, WR Patcher is not in the EQ directory. This isn't a problem for me and the game runs fine, even with 2 clients on.
As of today's patch, this issue has been resolved for me. I got the file and everything is A-ok.
Lots of mis-information in this thread. To set the record straight, the current patcher hangs when there's a corrupted file in the patch directory on the server. Its something that happens occasionally after a patch. Really the only person who can fix this is Wiz, so if this happens please log into the IRC channel and let us know ASAP.


trasc said:
For me, WR Patcher is not in the EQ directory. This isn't a problem for me and the game runs fine, even with 2 clients on.
I did the same... I put my patcher in its own directory folder seperate from the Everquest folder, and the game runs fine with no issues...
ok, now I got it to get up to the run button, but when I click run nothing happens, do I need the window thing?
scratch that, now I get all the way up to logging in and I get the 1017 error, and I'm positive that I followed the instructions perfectly, how do I get my firewall to let it through, it is already allowing everquest and eqgame, and the WRPatcher, probably more that I can't think of off the top of my what should I do now?

EDIT:alright, got the above fixed, but now it crashes when I try to create my character, when I hit the next button.
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