cmal 4.2


Dalayan Master
Can cmal 4.2 be inactive like 4.1 until hailed for engage ? I don't see what negative this could have on people doing it for the loot. Having to kill it to get to 4.3 and rot the loot doesn't seem to help anyone out.
Can cmal 4.2 be inactive like 4.1 until hailed for engage ? I don't see what negative this could have on people doing it for the loot. Having to kill it to get to 4.3 and rot the loot doesn't seem to help anyone out.
Did you know if you put a tonfa in your off-hand it will help keep aggro off of your cleric?
Yea i did know that. But i've taken a step further and use it in my mainhand and now it holds aggro off of your cleric too.
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