Clip plane


Dalayan Adventurer
So recently I've had a major issue with clip plane. I have it set to full and yet I can't see very far ahead. In every single zone it is kind of misty and very foggy ahead of me. All mobs appear white in the distance. I have a screenshot to show what I mean because I can't describe it very well :confused:


From one of my lower toons standing in Centaur Hills looking roughly in the direction of Surefall from near the Newport zone line. As far as I know there is no weather going on, rain or anything. EVERY zone looks like this for me now on all my toons.

Any suggestions?
This is a "feature" of the new client, and nothing is the matter with your machine or your settings. The lighting engine underwent an overhaul between what we called 2.0 and what we call 2.5. The fog is part of that overhaul and can be adjusted by developers. It seems the default settings are ridiculously and unintentionally narrow, that's all. (I joke that it looks like we're stuck in an N64 game!)

Luckily, the staff have recently turned to tinkering with the settings in several zones. Compare Northern Badlands to Southern or Eastern Badlands, for instance. I'm hoping that the staff will, over time, roll back the fog in all the zones (or at least the thematically appropriate ones) so we can bask in the new client's improved draw distance. :)
Ahh well that does explain things thank you!
I have found at least 1 zone now where I can actually see with no fog, the Vah city and I realised it must have been something server side. I do hope they consider increasing visibility in many of these places again, makes me feel trapped and just really restricted in what I can see now.
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