Client Crashing


Dalayan Beginner
I am having problems with my Client crashing at random. Sometimes I can play for a couple hours just fine. Other times, out of nowhere I get the client crash message and it asks me if I want to send the info. I say no and log back in. Most times when this happens I will crash again within a couple minutes. Sometimes even after a reboot I will get this crash over and over again. I have had it as many as 6 to 8 times in a 30 minute span or so.

The only log I can find to review is the .dbg log and all that shows my is there is a file that can't be written to. I am at work now or I would post the exact message. Is there anything else I can use to try and track down the problem? Is anyone else having similar issues?
ok here is the info I am getting from the dbg.tct file when I crash.

[Wed Mar 30 22:26:00 2005]01159:process was trying to WRITE invalid data.

[Wed Mar 30 22:26:00 2005]01160:Invalid access occurred at virtual address 0x00000024.

[Wed Mar 30 22:26:00 2005]01161:Fatal error occurred in mainthread! (Release Client #630)

[Wed Mar 30 22:26:00 2005]01162:Client Version: Dec 22 2003 16:24:12

I have deleted all txc files and even diables texture caching in case that was the problem.

If anyone has any ideas, I would really appreciate it.
Does anyone have any info on this error. It is really annoying crashing every 5 minutes or so. I have researched it and it was a common problem on the live servers but I still can't find a resolution. I uninstalled EQ today and put everything in from scratch but the problem is still there.

I tried to visit the IRC channel but my address is somehow banned even though I have never been there.
If I were you I'd start fiddling with things like GFXcard Aperture/Fastwrite/Memshadowing etc. (all the advanced configs basically)

Try all the possible setups you can think of, I had a similar hard-crash problem in a few other games and managed to get it resolved by doing just that.

Also, PM me your host if you want an unban on IRC.
I am not sure what was causing the problem but it only happens in Eastern Badlands. I have been playing in other zones and not having any problems at all.
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