Client Crashes


Dalayan Adventurer
I have 2 accounts and I can't log in with either account. When I try to get past the character select screen and about to appear in a zone it just goes to a client crash. Does anyone know what to do?
Everquest has detected that your client may have crashes.

It is often possible to determine where and why the crash occurrec.
Click Yes to send this data back to the developers in an effort to help the stability of the game.

The only personal information that will be sent with the data is the character logged in, the server they were on and the zone they were in at the time.

Yes. No.
Some bit from the error code would help, I believe that error should tell you a specific file that is missing, or not reading correctly. Might be missing the zone the zone file that you are in. Have you tried making a new character and seeing if the game works normally?
I logged in an alt that is in a different zone than Underhill and he's fine. I was told by a guildie that the zone may have crashed. I guess I have to wait for it to come back up? I said Underhill was down in ooc.
A zone being down will not result in client crashes; you'll receive a "zone unavailable" message at character select.

The client crashing generally indicates that a file is missing or corrupt in some manner, examples of such are zonename_chr.txt files, lacking the zone file, or in some cases corrupted in-game map files. It could be any number of things but you're most likely to find the cause in dbg.txt in your EQ folder.
Do you know what it could be from this?

[Mon Sep 10 17:00:44 2012]00976:process was trying to READ invalid data.

[Mon Sep 10 17:00:44 2012]00977:Invalid access occurred at virtual address 0x133ee1c0.

[Mon Sep 10 17:00:44 2012]00978:Fatal error occurred in mainthread! (Release Client #630)

[Mon Sep 10 17:00:44 2012]00979:Client Version: Dec 22 2003 16:24:12
[Mon Sep 10 17:00:44 2012]00980:Skin Directory: UIFiles\Default\
[Mon Sep 10 17:00:44 2012]00981:Graphics DLL Loaded: EQGfx DLL Version 1.1.80 Last Build Date: Dec 17 2003 10:37:16 Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz [1:15.2.9-11100]

[Mon Sep 10 17:00:44 2012]00982:Crash (char = Ataha, zone = akanon)

[Mon Sep 10 17:00:44 2012]00983:Local Player's World location at time of crash: 53.008900, -73.812698, 3.126000.

[Mon Sep 10 17:00:44 2012]00984:Gamestate at crash = 5

[Mon Sep 10 17:00:45 2012]02487:MSG_TIME_STAMP received.
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