Client crash when creating char.


Dalayan Beginner
either kicks you to desktop with the message about sending info about the client crash or not or it just displays that message at the char create screen. once you click no, the game goes away and boots you to desktop if you are not already there. not sure if this is associated with the patch after the 14th or not.

tried multiple races and classes and it doesn't seem to matter. i look foward to joining this community, but if this is associated with the 14th patch, i will just wait it out i suppose, thanks for any feedback
You should try reading the Stickys and the WR instructions. Also the search button will probably answer your question.
i did read everything, about 4 times as well. i also did a search, which came up with nothing i could find reguarding client crashes at char create screen. i guess i could of read all 890 post that came up with the search, but i decided to ask instead.

editted - well i went with the windows mode to see if that would help and it did. never ran eqw before but if its going to let me play, i am cool with it.
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