Cleric Lifeward Problem


Dalayan Beginner
I had started my Lifeward about 4 months ago by getting my Athica faction up to the point that Eskos Naldeen would give me the quest. Once I had the quest I started going through and collecting the items I needed, and I've not been able to get Apprentice Vaceth to give me the Ancient book of Blacksmithing.

The first time I tried I had the Corroded Shield in my inventory, and when he didn't mention anything about the quest I assumed I needed to melt the shield down and get the ingot before he'd give me the book. - When I returned with the ingot he still did not mention anything about this quest, and still did not give me the book.

I assumed my flagging must be off so I tried to correct it by going back to Eskos Naldeen and handed him the ingot, he just gave it back to me. So I started the quest dialog with him, and he won't tell me what I need to collect. He only tells me the beginning story, as if I hadn't already started the quest with him.

I'm assuming this is a flagging problem that just needs to be fixed by a GM. I thought I'd post it here to see if anyone has any additional suggestions for me.

Also feel free to PM me in game on Siosrah, Celaorn, or Cirra.
I still need help with this if anyone has some suggestions. Is this something I need to /petition? Is it something a GM can fix for me? I need to know what to do.
"I assumed my flagging must be off so I tried to correct it by going back to Eskos Naldeen and handed him the ingot"

I seem to have the same problem. When I hail Eskos he says " Any news on the Lifeward yet conko"? I hand him the Ingot and he just gives it back. Meanwhile the guy in Erimal will offer to translate scrolls for me, but I can't seem to get an option to lead to a dialogue so he gives me the Blacksmiths Book.
When you returned after having forged the ingots, did you go through all the quest text options for the hints?

- [What do I need for the Enchantment of Life?] 
- [What do I need for the Enchantment of Elements?] 
- [What do I need for the Enchantment of Spirit?] 
- [How do I complete the reforging?]
I suspect one of those might flag you to talk to Vaceth.
Thanks for getting back to me.

I can't get up any of those options you list. When I hail him in Athica he just says
'Any news on the Lifeward Conko?'. I give him the metal and he returns it. I've been trying to move him or the guy in Erimal forward to get some of those options up. But nothing so far. I suspect I missed one of the hails.
Try giving him those prompts manually. Even if he doesn't explicitly give you the options, if you have the prerequisites he'll respond to the prompts.
Ok will try that soon as raid finishes. What are the pre-requisites? Maybe you dont want to reveal those 'game details' , so Ill just try manually saying those things to him.
Sorry, my suggestions are from a player point of view having done Lifeward (and having added extensive notes to my guild's wiki), I don't have any game mechanic info to give here. ;)

In many quests, if you have the prereq's but there's a bug preventing the questgiver from giving the correct prompts, you can get around it if you know what the prompts should have been (from the wiki, logs, friends, whatever).

It looks like the prereq's for this would be giving him the corroded shield to be sent off to Freya the blacksmith, and possibly having talked to her to find out where the forge is.

Ok raid wiped so I got to try it. Saying and telling the NPC didn't spark off the required options. He just says 'Any luck on Lifeward Conko'?

Do I have to start the quest from beginning and kill the Sorcs. Lab mob for a new shield? And if so how would I reset the quest. I'm sure its my fault here. I started the quest from combining the Shield and sparked off the quest from there, so I'm missing a part of the hails. But wondering if anything can be done to save me starting from scratch?

Many thanks
Sounds like you might need to get another shield to kick off the quest. :( Since you haven't actually started the quest, there should be nothing to reset (I don't combining the shield in the forge would do anything with flags and such). At least the shield is the easy part.

Always start your quests from the beginning! In addition to flagging, things can and do change in the quest scripts.
Ok sounds fair. Your gonna bring your monk up to lab and pull I hope -)

Thanks for the time and replies. Ill see if I can spark it off again.
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