Cleric Eternal Benevolence AA


Dalayan Adventurer
As a daily player ive died in SOD thousands of times (most due to teijins pulls), what is irritating is spending a bunch of aas on a chance at a death save and never watching it work. Ive asked around and no cleric has had this work for them.

Is this aa broke? If its working as intended then its rate of procing is absolutely ridiculous. Especially since there are 3 tiers to this aa. It would be nice to see this work maybe 5% of the time if you got all 3 tiers. Even the death save spell you cast has worked for me 2 or 3 times in 10...
I also have never known this spell to work, nor have I tested it, nor have I ever heard a rumor of it working.
I vaguely remember seeing something on the forums a long while ago that this in fact never worked. I'm far too lazy to dig for the information myself though.
I asked around and apparently someone saw it go off within the last couple of weeks. That said, I don't remember it going off for me within the last year, maybe even two years, its been a long time.

Considering that it often doesn't even save you (raid wipe), perhaps it could use a little bump up.

Was it a 3/6/9 AA? I don't remember.
Is this supposed to cast a divine aura spell on you, heal you to full, or merely cause a killing blow to miss?
This spell worked quite often a couple years back last year or so i havent seen it go off anymore either.
Lete had this dare to be saved from divine benevolence three times in one fight, and afaik he completed it. So it seems to work, or atleast was in april.

Lete had this dare to be saved from divine benevolence three times in one fight, and afaik he completed it. So it seems to work, or atleast was in april.

Divine Benevolence is different from Eternal Benevolence. DB actually works. This thread is about Eternal Benevolence, the cleric AA. The OP said the wrong shit.
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(My numbers assumed what the person above me said, and that the AA eternal benevolence was what was meant, so changing the name of the post.)

Looking up the numbers, the intent seems to be for it to fire off 2/4/6% of the time, when you receive the otherwise killing blow. Those numbers don't seem to correspond well to most peoples real world experience, so after a bit more sleuthing...

It appears to me that due to a coding bug, you actually end up with either a 0% or 1% chance of it firing off, no matter what level the skill is at. The how I'll leave to your imagination, but I believe it to be a bug, or at the very least very, very poorly thought out.

It'll be a very easy fix though, assuming word on high doesn't state it should be otherwise.
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I have never seen this work, and I have had all three ranks for a number of years.

Not one single time.
It is working, from what I've heard. It procced on Eldorath when he would have normally died like it states. This happened like 2 days ago! :O
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