Christina Serenity error when trying to patch


Dalayan Beginner
Okay, last night I downloaded everything and installed EverQuest on my computer. Before liveEQ patching, I tried to patch WR (because I read on another board that patching to live breaks EQemu right now) and it came up with this error:


Then I patched EQLive and tried the WR patch again and it gave me the same error. I'm pointing it to the EverQuest folder, so I don't think that could be the issue. Anyone have some suggestions?
Okay, I found out that in order for your WRPatcher to work and this error to not show up, you have to actually hit "Play" after you've patched EQLive. If you don't actually go into the game, then you're fucked and can't do me.

I feel like a tard.
i just reloaded eq from scratch about 1-2 weeks ago, never hit play just downloaded it... and patched with wrpatcher and played.. i dont think thats the problem there..
If you can't get the patcher to work, there are EQ Patch files, but they are outdated so use it only if nothing else works.
Well is it possible you dont have the patcher in the EQ folder because at the top of the screen it says the folder name is WRPatcher not Everquest. I dont know if this is the case I just thought id say something.
Antonio said:
Well is it possible you dont have the patcher in the EQ folder because at the top of the screen it says the folder name is WRPatcher not Everquest. I dont know if this is the case I just thought id say something.
I don't run the WR Patcher in the EQ folder. It has its own seperate folder. The only thing in my EQ directory is the hotfix. Meah.
Error fix

I've Had that problem and there is a a simple fix. One of the patch files probably is corrupted. Just go in your wr patcher folder and open the folder where the patched files are and delete them then repatch, should fix it.
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