Checksum error


Dalayan Beginner
Ok, so heres the deal. Here recently when I run the patcher, about 70% of the time it gets stuck on spells_us.txt, so like a good Dalayian I went around the forums trying to find the answer. Heres what all Ive done

- tried backing up the spells file, deleting it from the eq folder, repatching all, didnt work
- tried manual patching, didnt work
- tried getting the file from one of my friends, worked for a little bit, but ended up having the same error.

In the patchers log, I get this message - Error! New target file checksum does not match source! File: 5cbcb63d Server: 9aa7c5f9

Im running Vista, if that matters. Oh, and I would get on IRC for the answers, but anytime Java opens I get viruses, so Im attempting to work with MIRC
Right click your game folder and check under properties to see if it has become 'Read Only'. Not sure what causes it, but sometimes the folders swap back to that mode. Especially if you had them copied from another source (zip drive, other computer).

If they are read only, then updating will not change the files even when told to.. thus error when checking what you have vs. what they are looking for.

edit: due to the phrase blocker :(
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