Characters in North newport - all ctd at load


Dalayan Beginner
I have logged into 6 other characters in other zones that all load fine, including south newport.

I have two characters in north newport, and every time I load up its a crash to desktop upon load.

my dxb ends with this:

[Sun Dec 15 09:50:13 2013]01265:0x0018ea6c: ADDR=0x0059fd90

[Sun Dec 15 09:50:13 2013]01266:process was trying to READ invalid data.

[Sun Dec 15 09:50:13 2013]01267:Invalid access occurred at virtual address 0x000002c8.

[Sun Dec 15 09:50:13 2013]01268:Fatal error occurred in mainthread! (Release Client #630)

[Sun Dec 15 09:50:13 2013]01269:Client Version: Dec 22 2003 16:24:12
[Sun Dec 15 09:50:13 2013]01270:Skin Directory: UIFiles\sars4caster\
[Sun Dec 15 09:50:13 2013]01271:Graphics DLL Loaded: EQGfx DLL Version 1.1.80 Last Build Date: Dec 17 2003 10:37:16 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2720QM CPU @ 2.20GHz [1:6.10.7-11100]

[Sun Dec 15 09:50:13 2013]01272:Crash (char = Tsur, zone = qeynos2)

[Sun Dec 15 09:50:13 2013]01273:Local Player's World location at time of crash: -151.000000, -5.000000, 1.500000.

[Sun Dec 15 09:50:13 2013]01274:Gamestate at crash = 5

[Sun Dec 15 09:50:19 2013]01275:8 processor(s) of type 586. Physical memory = 0 Megs.

[Sun Dec 15 09:50:19 2013]01276:Intel P3 2225

Any thoughts?

I have tried repatching, rebooting, getting rid of my ui files, nothing seems to work.
You may want to move the zone files to another folder, patch all, and try again. Sounds like the files're corrupt.

Here's the part that sucks: I don't remember what the zone files're called.
Might want to get in IRC, and contact a staffer to move your character if that doesn't work. I remember back in my day some peeps getting that problem and having to reinstall and then ask the staffers for a move. The characters were trapped in a crash loop or something.
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