Character transfer


Dalayan Adventurer
I sent an email a few weeks ago to the staff@sod asking to get a chracter transferred to another account. Didn't get a reply so I was wondering if there is another place I'm supposed to send my request? (The character I'm trying to get transferred was made when it was allowed to 2-box on the same account, which makes boxing the character with my monk impossible now) Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this I read the stickies and didn't see any answers to this question or where to post it, thanks.


*Or does this mean the request was denied?
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Only donators have the option of character transfers. So if you don't donate, you are SOL here.
I am a silver donator. I used the following submission format and sent a character transfer request by email to [email protected]
Name of character:
Current account:
Account you want them moved to:
Reason (if you are making an exception request):
I assure the SOD staff that the character and the account it is being tranfered to are both mine and that I am not using this service to sell or give away a character,
<your name here>

It has been exactly 30 days since I sent my request with no reply or action... What should I do? Is there someone I can follow-up with?
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I think I did your character transfer earlier tonight, but if not, you should re-send the e-mail. It may have fallen through the cracks as part of the transfer of admin responsibilities continues passing from Zoei to me.
I think I did your character transfer earlier tonight, but if not, you should re-send the e-mail. It may have fallen through the cracks as part of the transfer of admin responsibilities continues passing from Zoei to me.

Char was transferred; thanks for doing it!
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