Character model dis-coloration from armor


Dalayan Beginner
I am not sure if this is a problem with character models, this particular armor, or the server. As a new player, I am forced to take any armor I can get to better myself. I personally don't like color on my armors. Would rather have the natural look of the metal or leather.

Soft Leather is green. My problem is that my DE's butt cheeks are green too. :eek: :sadf: :eek:

Can anyone tell me a way to fix this ~ and not bs about drugs and salves!! :censored: This is not a MEDICAL issue!

Lol thanks for any help or info!
Old world, since Dark Elves don't have cut out butts in leather with Luclin models. Only thing I can think of is try /dopropertinting, maybe that'll work.
Believe /dopropertinting applies to Luclin, which is why I asked.

Really though, so your female DE has green cheeks, it's not that big a deal...worse could happen :p
Yes, Luclin models. Thanks for the info. I will try that as soon as the servers come back up.

Thanks again =)
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