Character Detail Bypass


Dalayan Beginner
Hey all, new to the shard and looking for a bit of help. Back when I played pay-EQ, I started past Luclin, so i'm not terribly familiar with the out-of-game preferences panel that SoD uses.

When browsing through said options, I find that it only lets me activate a few of the higher quality models. I'm positive my rig can handle more than this; is there any way around this arbitrary limit?

Thanks for reading, and thanks twice is ya respond <3
Hello all, I am also new and am having the same problem. Does anyone have an updated link for the one above... its just taking me to the forum index.

Check the models you want to use, and hit "enter" using your keyboard. Do not use your mouse to hit next.
I do not think we have ever had a case where hitting enter did not work.

Have you tried it with both eqw and without? I am pretty sure you can change it directly in the ini file also.
Ok, I have tried it with EQW and without, still not working.

Just for clarification, you check all the models, hit 'enter' instead of 'next', then on the next screen does it matter whether or not you hit enter or next?

This is how I fixed it.

1) Go into your SoD folder.

2) Click on the OptionsEditor.exe

3) Edit what you want to edit

4) Run the patch with Repatch All toggled on (this is optional, however I like to do this after I change something)

5) Play the game, check to make sure all your changes are in effect
Or another way to do it is insted of clicking next just hit escape after checking all the models works grate for me
Had the same issue, enter instead of click etc and still couldn't get Luclin models to load. You need to edit the .ini itself, all the individuals models will be set to TRUE but there was a another line that was set to TRUE that needs to be FALSE:

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