Chanter Race?


Dalayan Beginner
I've been wanting to try a new class and am considering an enchanter. The main issue I'm having is gnomes versus erudite for race. The gnomes get the focus which helps with a lot of different things (pets, damage, buff duration). However, erduites get better specs which means less resists and such. Any ideas which would be superior in the end? Oh, and I don't really care about being blind/short or anything like that. I mean chanters get tons of illusions anyway.
Honestly, race doesnt matter much at all in the end game.

However, if I were to level my enchanter again (I chose erudite for the higher starting int) I would probably choose dark elf for the vision/hide skill/ mez+charm resistance or high elves for the charm immunity (which doesnt help end game but is nice leveling up). The one thing about erudite that I do like though, is that they gain exp at a faster rate than others (2.5%).
Gnomes are good stats and get the focus bonus but are short

Erudites/HE are tied for best stats. HE get vision, Erus get xp bonus.

Any of those three races are fine. Everything else is a step down. But DE are pretty close (behind by about 15 stat pts)
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