Can't use MoP ? Help


Dalayan Beginner
Okay so im trying to get to warpstone, i zone to MoP... And for some reason it booted me off, then when i try to re log in, it says i may have the wrong directory. Any suggestions? Idk what to do, and it's pretty frustrating, played 4 hrs this morning fine, but MoP screwed me over.. Hardcore.
Missing the Vex thal file, if somone could give me it, i'd appreciate it, if not... Can somone please tell me wtf to do? getting quite annoyed, i just want to lvl......
Not sure what install you used but if it is supposed to include Vex Thall (All installs after 2003 should) then a repair from the original files should work. If not and your using a very old install you will need to get the zone files from a friend or get a newer copy of the game.
Well i don't understand what you mean? I have 15 expans from live, i would think i'd have vex thal... And if i need to " repair the original" files, how do i do this?. Thanks.
the game ran flawlessly till i tried to go into MoP... Now imm just stuck in MoP and i can't even log in?
Can you explain further how to "repair" this file, or perhaps send me the file? Or what do i do? I can't find it, and i don't know how to get it from the old EQ folder to SoD.
By more than one directory for EQ does that mean, i should delete the live EQ directory or what does that mean?
Ended up re installing with Evolution it worked, however now MoP sent me to some water said "Surefall Glades" but, I was still in MoP.. So I drowned myself, after doing so i respawn die, respawn die, respawn die... So idk wtf is going on now? "Thunder Storm" effect in my effect windows as well. Any suggestions?
Make another character and petition to have yourself moved from the mop.

Some of the zones from later editions have been changed and don't work. You can probably ask if anyone can get you a copy of the older one files from someone in game. I think Tarutao posted a thread on the ones he needed to replace. There are three or four.
I've seen many petitions for "I'm stuck in _____ zone because I'm missing the files for that zone", but this is the first I've heard of someone missing the files for the Mansion of Portals that had expansions beyond Velious.
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