Can't see characters on accounts...sometimes


Dalayan Beginner
I'm a returning SoD player coming back to mess around for the first time in a while. I can log in to my accounts and launch the game just fine, but most of the time none of my characters show up in the character select. Other times, infrequently, they do. Even newly created characters (when it will let me create a new character) exhibit the same issues when I check on them later.

I tried a totally fresh install/re-patch of the game but it didn't do anything to help. I couldn't really find anything on the tech support forums that sounded like what I was seeing so I figured I'd make a new thread. Hopefully someone has some idea what I'm talking about.
I have randomly had this happen to me the entire time I have played here. It looks to be just the character 'button' doesn't have the name. I don't know how to fix it, and I haven't tried because it is really rare that it happens. At least you aren't alone in having this happen.

I usually just hit escape and go back to server select, then hit enter to select the server again. It has never failed me in working during the next load in to char select.
Thanks for the reply, but I wish it was that simple. 49 times out of 50 I can't see any characters on any of the accounts I try at all. Really bizarre. Getting to the character select screen is totally normal, and the few times I've gotten into the game everything seems normal too.
I actually figured it out, turns out it was some kind of DNS issue. My router wasn't assigning DNS servers properly through DHCP, and I guess it manifested itself in some kind of weird Character Select issue and literally NOWHERE else with any other application on my PC. Problem solved!
Nope, not me. I've used this name in EQ Classic since '99, in EQ2, in P1999, and in SoD someone let him know he's a damned imposter :/
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