Can't run 2 EQw Under Win7


Dalayan Adventurer

I've tried browsing the technical support forums but couldn't find a solution to this issue.

I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate 64bits and whenever I try to load a second character, it won't go further than the character select screen.

The client will usually crash during the loading and exit with a generic memory read error.
I don't have any issues when loading the first client.

Any ideas ?
I'm running two EQW clients under windows 7 ultimate x64.

I know that doesn't help but it is at least possible to do so.
What video card are you using?

You also might try memtest86 to see if there is in fact some wonky memory problem.
How much RAM are you using?Also, the second toon you are trying to load is on a different account, right?
If not that, prioritize windows for programs first, and choosing different processor binds for different log-ins could help. Make certain you close down background stuff also, all that porn sucks up memory, you know? :D
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