Can't go back to full screen


Dalayan Beginner
So I got a new computer with WIndows 7. Playing SoD fine and I decided I wanted to load up my other account to use the druid on it for a teleport. Well, now I can't go back to fullscreen. Before, when I'd box the two accounts at one point, and wanted to go back to full screen on my next log in, I'd just click eqw, run it, then exit out, then unclick the eqw box and the game would load up in full screen.

But now, on the new computer, if I click the eqw box and try to run it I get and error box saying, "Couldn't Start Program".

Anyone have this problem and/or have a fix for it?

Still haven't had any luck trying to figure this out. I deleted the EQW files and folders, redownloaded them from the SoD patcher, and it still doing the same thing. The game is playable, it's just that I really prefer to play in full screen. The only other option would be to uninstall/delete all my game files and reinstall them again and then never try to go windowed or play two accounts at the same time again. That is, of course, unless anyone has any suggestions for a fix! :)

Yeah, I tried using alt+enter, and initially, it wouldn't work. All it did was return my ui back to default and I'd have to set all my in game windows again and kept my screen in windowed mode. I decided to delete the eqw files again, delete the SoD files (I didn't delete the EQ files because I didn't want to copy them again from where I have them saved on an external hard drive ... which I suggest doing to anyone that can, downloading the game from the discs again is a pain, copying it from an external hard drive saves time and is much easier), and then I did a full repatch of SoD.

I was then able to return to full screen, but I wasn't happy with just leaving it there, I wanted to see if I could still alt+tab and then return to full screen again. EQW still won't open up, however, alt + enter is now working to return to full screen if I need to. I dunno why it wasn't working before, but now it does, and I'm satisfied with it now.
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