Can't get to the dream zone?


Dalayan Beginner
I've just started a new character and tried entering 'The Dream' but I get kicked with an error message about not having the zone information for nightmareb in my everquest directory. Is this a file I need to patch off Live?
balamor said:
I've just started a new character and tried entering 'The Dream' but I get kicked with an error message about not having the zone information for nightmareb in my Game directory. Is this a file I need to patch off Live?
Should be downloadable in the PoP expansion.
balamor said:
I've just started a new character and tried entering 'The Dream' but I get kicked with an error message about not having the zone information for nightmareb in my Game directory. Is this a file I need to patch off Live?

I have the same problem, but don't have access to PoP. Except now, my character is stuck in The Dream, and I can't log him in at all.
I had a problem that was similar, let me explain. When I went into the dreamworld at that time I was not aware that i was goign to obtain 3 items, saddly only had room for 2 in my inventory, so when I did the speach i got the 2 books but didnt got my letter that told me who I had to go see. I notice the difference because was doing it with my druid and she had room so she got her letter. So I tryed to go back to the dream world and was not allowed, apparently you can only visit it once. I think should be good if people could go back in in case they screw up like I did unkowinly.

*Note: I needed the letter because my main being an evil race had a different destination as my boxed who is a good race, so her NPC will not give me the quest and was unable to do it with my SK untill a GM gave me the letter*
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