Cant get into toons


Dalayan Beginner
Hi, I cant log into any of my toons that are camped in centaur hills. I tried redoing the UI's for them and got new files for the zones and it still doesnt work

Additional info, since I was trying to help him in game:

All other toons on all accounts = fine. He can't zone into CH on any account, so not account, it's 99% his zone files. He replaced all qehh1_.X files (and repatched all afterwards). Are those the correct ones?
Was the zone down? Try giving him all the qeynous hills related files. Nathasar and someone else had this same problem. They replaced a single zone file and still no go. Replaced the other 3 or 4 surrounding it and won
Fairly certain Centaur Hills files are qeytoqrg.s3d etc in the main folder. Try getting those.
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