Can't finish "The Chioce" quest in the dream


Dalayan Beginner
Well title says it all, I just started with Shards of Dalaya and unfortunately I can't play because I am unable to give "the gift" to any of the characters and thus I am not able to proced. Maybe I'm being a dunce and just don't get it, but some else tried and they said they got the same results. Is this me or is something broken? Thanks.

(BTW I'm anxious because SoD looks pretty neat...)
make sure to hail the quest giver, Then all 3 of the npcs. After hailing all 3 hail the merchant again. He will have you say somthing like return it to me or somthing. After saying this give him the item
Savian said:
make sure to hail the quest giver, Then all 3 of the npcs. After hailing all 3 hail the merchant again. He will have you say somthing like return it to me or somthing. After saying this give him the item
I'll try that, I was hailing the quest giver first, then all 3 npcs then trying to give it to the npc, not hainling the quest giver. Although when I did hail the quest giver (s)he said nothing, but that was after I told the merchant I would give the gift to him.

Update: I tried talking to her before I gave the gift to the merchant, same results. and if I try to talk to "The Choice" she says nothing.
The quest dialog is very specific. Talk to the choice first, then talk to all 3, the thug, the merchant, and the victim. Then, hail the one you plan on giving the gift to, and follow the dialog. Do not get ahead of yourself, it is very specific about what you have to do.
Riesen said:
The quest dialog is very specific. Talk to the choice first, then talk to all 3, the thug, the merchant, and the victim. Then, hail the one you plan on giving the gift to, and follow the dialog. Do not get ahead of yourself, it is very specific about what you have to do.
do I specifically need to hail them in that order? thug -> merchant -> victim? because I do hail all 3, then hail the one I plan on giving the gift and follow his dialog then try to give him the gift. all it does is drop the drop item back to inventory. then if I hail them again (when I can't do anything else) I can try to hail them again and it says something about expecting me to proceed.
dont need to hail in any specific order, just all 3 with the choice 1st, then hail the one you want to give to a 2nd time and dialog is like "i will give the gift to you." or something and then hand it to the one you want
Ezekio said:
dont need to hail in any specific order, just all 3 with the choice 1st, then hail the one you want to give to a 2nd time and dialog is like "i will give the gift to you." or something and then hand it to the one you want
That is exactely what I do, except for the hand it to any of them, it won't let me. The item just drops back to my inventory.
Wiz said:
Follow the "I will give the gift to you" dialogue choice
I assume you're refering to the (NOTE:...) about how to give an NPC a quest item? I did that, I even made sure I read it over and over and over even though I've played eq for about 2-3 years in the past. This is my third or 4th time now trying it and I can't think of how any thing I'm doing is wrong...

I wasn't the only person having this problem, another guy was there once trying to get through, but he had the same thing happen. so I thought it might be a bug.

after you hail all 3, and then hail 1, they will say something like "will you give me the gift" with the option:
- I will give you the gift

say that and then hand in gift
Wiz said:

after you hail all 3, and then hail 1, they will say something like "will you give me the gift" with the option:
- I will give you the gift

say that and then hand in gift
yeah, thats what I do, I say "I will give you the gift," then I try to give the gift to them and they don't take it.
Wiz said:
Post a screenshot of you going through the dialogue and handing in
I'll do that, I'd even post a movie if I knew how. But I won't be home till Wednesday night, so I'll probably be able to post something Thursday evening.
when you reply to one of the thre with "i will give you the gift" make sure you have them as the target. i know sometimes i will not have the npc targeted when replying and i will have to do it twice... just a thought
hmm for some reason it worked today, I didn't do anything different either.... perhaps I'll try it with a new character to see if it happens again, and I'll record the steps along the way.
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